
Google Tag Manager (GTM)

Google Tag Manager (GTM) allows you to track analytics and provide data to a range of third party marketing services. Tag manager is often used by professional SEO experts, so they can manage your account through one system.

Please only add the Google Tag Manager account ID into our SEO analytics tracking area. If you do this, we will automatically use the right javascript in the right places, to ensure you get the tracking information you need in google tag manager. Do not paste the javascript, as this will conflict with our deep integration.  

Deeper Integration events

In addition to the basic hits captured by GTM, the deeper integration events we support are. 

  • Add to Cart ("add_to_cart" with product json data)
  • Product View ("view_item" with product json data)
  • View Cart ("view_cart" with cart json data) 
  • Checkout ("begin_checkout" with cart json data)
  • Purchase ("purchase" with cart json data)
  • Form posts ("FormPost" with page meta json data)
  • Enquiries ("Enquiry" with page meta json data)
  • Event Booking ("EventBooking" with event meta json data)
  • Member registrations ("Subscribed")

We do not specifically track any other events that are not mentioned above. We do not track mailto: or tel: links, as these links are hard coded. 

We do not track payment status, as some of the most popular payment options like Windcave or Paypal may not always return to the merchant website after a successful payment. The customer may close their browser while still on a 3rd party payment platform.  Our "purchase" event is a prepayment event, and this should be considered the most successful event in the checkout process. 

You can also use GTM to define target events, or funnels. eg if you want to detect abandoned carts, you would detect a customer getting to these URIs, but then not proceeding to a successful sales event.




The definition of GTM events and funnels is outside the scope of our free support. 

You are welcome to add javascript in various places in our CMS, but there are so many considerations about what and where to put code, and how to customise it, that support in that capacity is chargeable. 


Do not paste the code provided by google verbetum into our system. Our system integration assumes that you will only supply the relevant tracking ID, and we will then generate the appropriate GTM code that is compatible with our enhanced event integration.

Advanced users may paste additional tracking code, should you wish to track other events or conditional events. Take care to only paste the additional code segment, and take for granted that we have already included the core code snippet. However, as an advanced user you should have double checked the source code of your pages, to ensure that the additional code segments appear after the initial code segment. 

We do not support the use of multiple GTM tracking IDs. You can only use one tracking ID. An advanced user may be able to track additional ID's but only if you are a hacker. 

Using GTM is an expert consideration. No free support is provided. No free support is provided to expert GTM users either. The expectation is that if you require detailed answers to complex questions, then this time will be chargeable. Either we charge the consultant, or we charge the client. Someone will need to identify who should be billed for supporting GTM integration questions.  The benefit of paying for answers to GTM queries, is that it will be possible for subtle development changes to occur in the process, so that you can achieve what you want to achieve. 

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