
Google Analytics GA4 - Tracking Code

Where to add your Tracking ID

To enter your GA4 tracking number, go to the SEO tab > Google Setup

Then paste your stream tag into the first box on the screen. Gtg/GTM Measurement ID.

Publish. It will take time for data to show in Google Analytics. You do not need to enter any other script etc.

Google Analytics GA4

Google Analytics GA4 uses site gtag.js scripts and your GA4 Measurement ID to track website visitors.

Finding your ID

Find your GA4 measurement ID under the Admin settings icon (bottom left) then under "Data Streams", then click on your main data stream, then copy your Measurement ID, that is a code looking something like "G-ABC1234567ZX".

Which ID to Enter?

Enter your GA4 measurement ID or GTM ID, but not both. Analytics legacy ID is being fazed out. Do not use it. These start with UA- We will do our best to send all ecommerce and event tracking data in the required formats to either of these analytics engines.

If you have special tracking requirements, please contact us for a quote.

What do we track?
  • Add to Cart ("add_to_cart" with product json data)
  • Product View ("view_item" with product json data)
  • View Cart ("view_cart" with cart json data) 
  • Checkout ("begin_checkout" with cart json data)
  • Purchase ("purchase" with cart json data)
  • Form posts ("FormPost" with page meta json data)
  • Enquiries ("Enquiry" with page meta json data)
  • Event Booking ("EventBooking" with event meta json data)
  • Member registrations ("Subscribed")

No Free Support

There is no free support for GTAG / GA4. Although in a perfect world we hope that everything will work as it should, we have discovered that Google has made the google analytics UI into a beast of complexity, that novice users may find troubling. This complexity is an issue for Google to overcome, and it is not for our support team to bridge any gaps. 

Our interface does support the ability to add 2 GA4 tracking codes, which is great if you have more than 1 agency that you work with. 

However, from time to time we find that customers or agencies will post custom tracking code into our system, then ask us to support that. We do not provide any expert consultancy support for javascript that has been pasted into our system. We do technically allow you to paste javascript in, but we are not obligated to explain (for free) to you why your code does not work.  

Our interface is based on the theory that you will supply measurement ID or tracking ID. You should not provide tracking scripts. We automatically generate tracking scripts, once we know your measurement ID. Our approach ensures we have implemented the core tracking code, before implimenting the event tracking code. Should you attempt to circumvent our approach,  you will likely break both our tracking and your own tracking.  

Please be prepared to pay for any help related to google tracking scripts. 

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