
Custom template tags [TAGS] overview

A list of available tags and what they do

Template Tags (HTML)

These tags are added into the template area (TEMPLATES A - F) adding additional functionality to your site.

Common Tags (alphabetical order)

[BANNER] Will be replaced with the image specified in the Design > Banner section of the CMS. Note it will resize to 600px if a flash banner is used.
[BREADCRUMB] Will add a breadcrumb trail where the tag is specified.

A required tag.  When you choose to add/edit content to the webpage, the editor will be replacing the [CONTENT] tag with the content created in the main editor of the CMS.

[COPYRIGHT] Will be replaced with a default copyright message e.g © Copyright (website) where (website) is the name of the site specified within the CMS




Will be replaced with the default footer information, which can be reconfigured by going to the Design > Change the footer style section of the CMS.

You can also specify your own footer information by going to the Design > Custom Template Editor > Other Include Files > Footer (footer.html) section.

Note: Clicking the Grey Footer Tab within the editor and adding content there inserts it into the base of the [CONTENT] area not the [FOOTER] area.

[HEADING] Replaces the tag with the Name of the web page as detailed in the Webpages > (PAGE) > Rename Page Title.

[LOGO] Will be replaced with the Image you specify in the Design > Website Logo Graphic options.

[ZONE2] An additional section seperate to the main CONTENT editor. Useful for sidebar information or if the design you choose to implement is complex or requires alternate css rules (e.g adding a class to the
wrapping the [ZONE2] tag to specify alternate H2 formats)

[LOGIN] A login form, and/or members only short form menu. Depending on status, use one of these CSS customisations.... #cmsTemplateLoginForm #cmsTemplateLoggedIn .MemberName .LoginInput .loginSubmit Learn more at: Advanced Members Widget
[LOGINH] Creates a login button which opens field entry in a popup window.
[SEARCH] Add a site search box, note that it right aligns by default, so may need a wrapper table to do anything else with it.
[SHOPSEARCH] Add a product search box, just the form and elements  (Legacy version [SEARCHSHOP])
[SHOPLINKS] Add the standard shopping links

Banner Tags

[BANNER] Will be replaced with the image specified in the Design > Banner section of the CMS. Note it will resize to 600px if a flash banner is used.
Works exactly the same as BANNER, however restricts the width to 750px / 960px when a flash banner is uploaded.

[PAGEBANNER] A handy tag which is replaced on a page by page basis, when the user specifies an image in the Rename Page options locates at Webpages > (PAGE) > Rename Page Title > Page/Banner Image.
[PAGEBANNERORBANNER] Shows either the page banner if present, or the site banner otherwise... great for standard templates. 
[BANNERHOMES] Adds featured homes from a realestate page to a banner with a mix of image and text

Menu Tags

If you have sub menus with sub pages and would like pop out submenus, make sure you have the following:

  • Selected one of the multi level menu types (most templates default to this)
  • The relevant CSS code (if you have based your design off an existing Custom Template Option it will be located in the Menu.Css section of the Custom Template Editor section.)
  • Specify a DOCTYPE of XHMTL 1.0 or higher.

You can now add custom buttons per page in the RENAME area of each page, including in CSS mode.



Inserts the webpages of your site into a vertical side navigation.

Legacy menu buttons will be displayed in a horizontal format, in an endless line.



Inserts the webpages of your site into a vertical side navigation.

Legacy menu buttons will be displayed in a vertical format.



Inserts the webpages of your site into a horizonal top navigation.

Legacy menu buttons will be displayed in a horizontal format, in rows of 6 buttons.


A menu structure which allows for seven legacy buttons - used in old legacy templates. 

Legacy menu buttons will be displayed in a horizontal format, in rows of 7 buttons.


A menu structure which allows for ten legacy buttons - used in old legacy templates.

Legacy menu buttons will be displayed in a horizontal format, in rows of 10 buttons.


Only displays top level menu

Legacy menu buttons will be displayed in a horizontal format, in rows of 7 buttons.


Only displays 2nd level menu and below (if applicable to the current area of the website). This is good for a split level menu effect when categories are not invovled.

Always produces a CSS menu


Automatically includes the categories as a full submenu under the Shopping/Products menu buttons. This is good in sites with only a horizontal menu and no additional category menu.

Legacy menu buttons will be displayed in a horizontal format, in rows of 7 buttons, and categories won't be visible.


Add a visible list of menu items for a sitemap.


Add a custom member menu to the template


Inserts the categories of your shopping cart into a vertical side navigation.



Only insert the top level of categories to minimise page file size


Only insert categories from the current tree down... 

Shopping Cart Tags

Use these tags within a template to promote various products on sale. Choose a product/s to display by editing the product and selecting the relevant group from the PROMOTION dropdown box.

[PRODUCT_SEARCH] An advanced product search widget .. 
[PART_FINDER] A reduced version of the advanced product search widget, focusing on Make/Model/Year associations of product applications data.
[PRODUCTS_FEATURED] Adds any products listed as FEATURED via the promotions dropdown

Adds any products listed as ON SALE via the promotions dropdown

[PRODUCTS_BEST_SELLERS] Adds any products listed as a BEST SELLER via the promotions dropdown

[PRODUCTS_NEW_ITEMS] Adds any products listed as a NEW ITEM via the promotions dropdown

[PRODUCTS_COMBINED] all of the above merged together into a single list... 


View cart link, displays only if cart exists, with item count. More 
[CARTNARROW] A shopping cart suitable for narrow column use. More 
[CARTNARROWEDIT] A shopping cart suitable for narrow column use and quantity +/- links. More
[CARTFULL] Full read only version of shopping cart data with thumbnails and quantity +/- links. More
[CARTFULLEDIT] Fully featured shopping cart in page with thumbnails and quantity/option editing.More

Contact Information Tags

Use these tags within a template to display contact information on your website - referenced from your Global Contact Details stored in your account

[POSTAL] Displays postal address details in a vertical multi-line format

Displays physical address details in a vertical multi-line format

[POSTAL_SHORT] Displays postal address details in a single line format, separated with commas

[PHYSICAL_SHORT] Displays physical address details in a single line format, separated with commas

[PHONE] Displays the phone number listed in your Global Contact Details

[MOBILE] Displays the mobile number listed in your Global Contact Details

[MAP] Inserts a link to Google Maps that will take the visitor to the address shown in the physical address details... 

[URL] Adds the URL of the website e.g to the specified location
[EMAIL] Displays the email address listed in your Global Contact Details
You can add any fields from the default list of Global Contact Fields by applying the fields NAME attribute with a CONTACT: prefix.

Special use Tags (alphabetical order)

[ADDTHIS] Adds a set of 'Share This' Social Networking icons where this tag is specified using a widget by

Adds a set of 'Share This' Social Networking icons where this tag is specified using a widget by

[LOGIN] Adds a login button with username and password fields to the specified location

[PHONE] Adds the phone number as set in the contact details to the specified location


A tag similar to [FOOTER] same on all pages of all design templates. Typically used to put banner style Google Adsense code in.

Basically deprecated now and no real benefit to using it unless you want to keep a piece of javascript away from users who might be editing the design template visually.

[RIGHT]  or [LEFT]

A tag similar to [FOOTER] same on all pages of all design templates. Typically used to put skyscrapper Google Adsense code in.

  • Create the content you require within the template section, within the Grey RIGHT tab top right of the editor
  • Add the [RIGHT] tag to the Template A-F you would like the content to appear.
  • [RIGHT] = right.html, and [LEFT] = left.html


Inserts a standard adsense block into the template


Inserts a standard adsense block into the template
[SEARCH] Adds a search box with search field, and submit button to the template. These have classes attached for styling with CSS

[SHOPSEARCH] Adds a search box with a focus on products and categories

[SOCIALICONS] Provides a location for the Social Network links to appear on the template. When the site owner adds Social Network information to the contact details page, a large linked icon will appear in this area of the template for each network added.

[SOCIALLINKS] Provides a location for the Social Network links to appear on the template. When the site owner adds Social Network information to the contact details page, a small icon with text link will appear in this area of the template for each network added.

[TOPTOYS] Add the TOPTOYS tag to the area of the website you'd like the  element to appear when you choose from the drop-down box 'Top of page'' on the Supersize my Website page.

[SHOPPAGE] Insert primary shopping page ID

Colour Tags (CSS)

These tags are used within the CSS area for content styling. The tag will be replaced by the value input into the field, so you can add them to multiple areas of the CSS files.

Do not add them to the template HTML.


[WSCOL_BG] Is replaced with the colour set in Design > Colour Palette >Browser Background field

[WSCOL_PAGE] Is replaced with the colour set in Design > Colour Palette > Page Background field

[WSCOL_MENU] Is replaced with the colour set in Design > Colour Palette > Menu Background field

[WSCOL_BANNER] Is replaced with the colour set in Design > Colour Palette > Banner field

[WSCOL_BORDER_PAGE] Is replaced with the colour set in Design > Colour Palette >Form Page field.
The form field value automatically sets the border colour of system generated forms.

[WSCOL_BORDER] Is replaced with the colour set in Design > Colour Palette >Form Border field.
The form field value automatically sets the border colour of system generated forms.

There is a Table Row - im not sure whether there is a tag for it
[WSCOL_PAGE_BORDER] Is replaced with the colour set in Design > Colour Palette > Page Border field

[WSCOL_THEME_PRIMARY] Is replaced with the colour set in Design > Colour Palette > Primary Theme field.
Recommended use as main colour of the template theme

[WSCOL_THEME_SECONDARY] Is replaced with the colour set in Design > Colour Palette > Secondary Theme field.
Recommended use as secondary colour of the template theme


[WSCOL_TEXT] Sets the default text colour as the colour set in Design > Colour Palette >Text field
[WSCOL_HEADING] Sets H1,H2,H3 tags with the colour set in Design > Colour Palette >Headings field
[WSCOL_H2] Sets H2 tags with the colour set in Design > Colour Palette >Headings H2 field (overrides WSCOL_HEADING value)
[WSCOL_H3] Sets H3 tags with the colour set in Design > Colour Palette >Headings H3 field (overrides WSCOL_HEADING value)
[WSCOL_LINK] Sets the colour for page links (A tags) with the colour set in Design > Colour Palette >Link Colour field


[WSCOL_BUTTON] Is replaced with the colour set in Design > Colour Palette >Main Menu Button Colour field.
The form field value automatically sets the border colour of system generated forms.
[WSCOL_BUTTON_HOVER] Is replaced with the colour set in Design > Colour Palette >Main Menu Hover BG Colour field
[WSCOL_BUTTON_TEXT] Is replaced with the colour set in Design > Colour Palette >Main Menu Text Colour field
[WSCOL_BUTTON_TEXT_HOVER] Is replaced with the colour set in Design > Colour Palette >Main Menu Text Hover Colour field
[WSCOL_CATBUTTON] Is replaced with the colour set in Design > Colour Palette >Category Button Colour field.
The form field value automatically sets the button colour of system generated category lists.
[WSCOL_CATBUTTON_HOVER] Is replaced with the colour set in Design > Colour Palette >Category Hover BG Colour field.
The form field value automatically sets the button hover colour of system generated category lists.
[WSCOL_CATBUTTON_TEXT] Is replaced with the colour set in Design > Colour Palette >Category Hover BG Colour field.
The form field value automatically sets the button text colour of system generated category lists.
[WSCOL_CATBUTTON_TEXT_HOVER] Is replaced with the colour set in Design > Colour Palette >Category Hover Text Colour field


You can include the following fields in your emails

[FIRSTNAME] their first name (from the member record)

[NAME] their name (from the member record)

[EXPIRY] their expiry date if any exists

[PASSWORD] their password (encrypted version)

[REFERENCE] members reference number if any exists

[CONFIRMLINK] creates a special link that allows customers to confirm their email address validity (double optin)

[AUTOLOGINLINK] creates a special link that allows customers to auto login quickly

[AUTOLOGINURL] creates a special URL that allows customers to auto login quickly

More Tags

For more Notification Tags - see Creating an Email Template / Email Tags

Additional Shopping related tags see - Custom Invoice / Receipt Tags

Voucher Tags - see Voucher [TAGS]

Other Tags

wscol_bg, wscol_page, wscol_border, wscol_menu, wscol_button, wscol_heading, 
wscol_form, wscol_text, wscol_link, wscol_pagealt, ws_align, ws_font,
ws_img_bg, ws_img_menu, ws_img_banner, wscol_catbutton, ws_fontsize,
wscol_button_hover, wscol_button_text, wscol_vlink, wscol_alink,
wscol_border_page, wscol_h2, wscol_h3, wscol_catbutton_hover,
wscol_catbutton_text, wscol_banner,

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