
Create a link button [Menu Link]

What is a Menu Link?

Adding a Menu Link page to your website will allow you a add a Menu Button with a custom link that you specify.

When the menu button is clicked will take the viewer to the page or website address you have added. 

It provides the same function as adding a link to an image or a piece of text does, but appears in your menu.

There is no page to add content - images/text to when choosing this page.

Link options include: (Subject to change)

  • Link to a page on this site
  • Link to news/events/gallery/faq pages - (if there are any found on the site)
  • Link to shopping category page
  • Link to shopping product item
  • Link to a file on the site
  • Attach a new file/PDF/Word etc
  • A URL (link) to another website
  • An email link to an email address

How to add a Menu Link and link it to any page or category etc

  1. Click the webpages button at the top of the CMS.
  2. Select ADD PAGE - from there select Menu Link... (next to sub menu)
  3. Give the button a name, and use the wizard to select where you want the link to point to.

Link to a category and have the sub-categories appear as drop-down menu items

When you create a menu link and link to a category a checkbox will appear underneath the link.

Include sub menu:

Checking the option will show the subcategories as a drop-down item. 

Note for this option to work, the shopping page must be visible in the menu. Hiding the shop page will hide the categories/sub-menu categories.