
Please Cancel My Direct Debit

Bank Direct Debits and Automatic Payments

We do not offer a bank direct debit service. If you have money coming out of your bank to pay your bills, it is because you set up an "automatic payment". You will need to manage your automatic payments via your online banking. We have no ability to adjust or stop your automatic payments to us. 

This is a common occurance when people cancel their websites. The assumption is you had a direct debit in place, when in fact it was an automatic payment. 

Should you require a refund of any amount that you overpaid, please refer to the terms and conditions on your monthly statement. We are happy to refund you, however, we do charge a small administration fee to do that. You can use your credit for domain renewals or hosting other sites, or request that we donate small amounts to charity to 0 the account and stop future statements. 

Why did you take money out of my account when I had already cancelled hosting? 

If the method of payment was from your bank, please see above, as we do not have any direct debit facility on banks.

If your method of payment was direct debit by credit card, then consider the closing balance of your account. We send monthly statements. If you cancel part way through a month, you may still have a final hosting fee to pay for the period of time your website was hosted prior to cancelling. We usually send a final statement when we cancel a website, however, if you cancelled the website online yourself, then you may need to wait for the final statement to come at the end of the month. 

Cancelling Credit Card Direct Debits

You can cancel a credit card authority in the accounts area of the CMS, or by contacting us and asking us to cancel the authority. 

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