
Design template overview

Design templates are a very powerful feature.  A design template defines the overall look and feel of your site and thus enable relatively easy "global" edits without having to manually change every page.  This can be achieved by either subtle changes to the template you are using or by selcting a completely new template for a complete "makeover".  Changes can be done at any stage during the design and content adding process and even at any stage after the site is live.

Choosing a ready-made template

For must users, the best option is to choose an existing template from our range of designs. These templates can customised easily to include your banner image or logo, text colours and more.

To choose from one of our available templates

  • click the Design Button
  • then click  Change to a new look and Feel and follow the on-screen directions. 


About the templates

You can change the menu design in most templates, but you can only change the colours/banners and background images in some. Note, some templates do not have a position for a logo. The most customisable templates for ordinary users are the "Editable Banner Templates", as they provide common positioning and alignment options for most users needs, and you can then insert your own images into the banner, or pick your own menu.

If you have tried to change your website's background colour and it shows in the colour settings area of our CMS, but not on the live website, chances are the template you have selected doesn't allow for full color customisation.  You will need to change your template type to a more editable template, like "editable banner templates", if you want to change the background colour yourself. 

Tweaking the template

To change colours on your website background, fonts, page colour, headings etc, click Design Settings, change colours and fonts, find the appropriate option and click the Colours button and select your colour and Save Changes. If a colour sample is showing, it won't update until you click save. Remember that you may need to publish changes to see the changes on your live website.


Creating a custom template for you / converting a 3rd-Party template

We can design a fully customised template to your branding with any special feature you require - or if  you have a 3rd party template you'd like to use we can modify the template be compatible with our CMS.  

Please get in touch for pricing and other options.

Summary of Design Templates

  • Editable Banner Templates - Positional Layouts - Best for novice users who want more control over their design
  • Web Designers Only Templates - For advanced users only who need full control over HTML and CSS
  • All other templates - What you see is what you get and most features cannot be changed, except menu buttons, and possibly banners on some.

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