
Latest News Slider

You can easily turn add your news and blog posts into a slider on your home or other pages. 

Customise your Slideshow settings

Hovering over the snippet block will bring up a EDIT SETTINGS button which will launch the settings popup.

Clicking the EDIT SETTINGS button that appears on the snippet block will launch the settings popup.


Tidying up your slider  with Postcard Layout

By default the slider will load in posts and images as uploaded to your blogs and news pages. Unless you take the time to crop your images
to a consistent format this can look messy when added to the slider.

One option is to enable the Postcard format which shows all the posts at a consistent size, with the new titles showing as a caption over the top.

Example slider, showing blog posts with inconsistent images.

Example slider, showing blog posts with Postcard Layout enabled.


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