
Web Site Account Transfers

There are generally two reason to transfer a site to anew owner,

1st. The business has been sold and transfering to the new owners,

2nd. You have built a site for somebody under your account and are now transferring it to the new custodian for them to manage

When transfering a site you need to consider the following and follow them in order

  1. The Websites Contact Details

  2. Obtain the New Owners Account Details (contact the new owner)

  3. The Ownership of a registered domain.

  4. Then action the Transfer

Changing the Websites Contact details

Changing your contact details on the website is very simple.

  1.  Login to the CMS
  2.  Click on the "More" option from the CMS navigation on the left of the screen
  3.  Select Contact Details from the options.
  4.  Then change your details as required

Changing the Ownership of a Domain

Domain names have two very important details relating to ownership.

  • Name/Organisation
    (this is the Title holder of the domain name and is generally locked at registration.)

  • Contact Details which include Registrant,Admin and Technical
    All of these details need to be current as any information requested or relating to the domain then these details will be used for contact.

To update your domain names contact details

  1. Login to the CMS

  2. Select “domains and Emails” from the main menu to the left of the CMS

  3. Select the “www” icon to the right of the domain in question or selct the domain name from the list. Then select the “www Registry Services” link

  4. Select “Update Registry Contact Details”

  5. Then update your contact details and email addresses.

To change the Name/Organisation of the Domain

  1. Login to the CMS

  2. Select “domains and Emails” from the main menu to the left of the CMS

  3. Select the “www” icon to the right of the domain in question or selct the domain name from the list. Then select the “www Registry Services” link

  4. Select “Update Registry Contact Details”

  5. Download or open this document “Name Holder Change Form (view/print) “ found under tool tips to the right of the contact details.

  6. Complete the form both parties need to sign for the name change. Then fax or post it back to us. Legally no atcion can be taken until both parties have signed and confirmed the name change to take place.

Transfering a Website to a new Owner

Transfering a website from your account and all related demain names to a new owners account.

  1. Login to your CMS

  2. If you have more than one website under the account make sure you are working on the correct site.

  3. Select “Accounts” from the left hand navigation of the CMS

  4. Select “Transfer this web site to a new owner”

  5. Enter the New Owners Details.
    ( This process will create a new account on our system under the new owners name using these contact details and transfer the website from your account to theirs)

  6. Tick the releveant boxes under options to either retain your admin rights, email payment instructions relating to the site to the new owner, or to send new passwords and login instructions to them after the transfer

Once completed and actioned. A new account is created under the new owners contact details. The website and relating Domains are then transferred into it. Unless you ticked the option boxes too keep admin access you no longer can make any chages to the site so it is important to apply any contact details and domain registration changes before the transfer is initiated. Once transferred the new owners are now resposible for hosting charges and any domain renewals in the future.

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