
Advertising - Rotating Clickable Adverts

Do you want to run advertising on your website? How do you go about it...
The options you have in our CMS for running adverts are as follows
  • Include permanent sponsors in your website banner, for site wide placement, no clicks permitted
  • In your menu footer for site wide placement, allowing clicks
  • In each page indivudally in Zone 2, if enabled in your template, allowing clicks
  • In other places on your template for site wide placement, allowing clicks
  • In content anywhere you like, allowing clicks

Banners can now rotate, but there are no links behind them (besides taking you back to the home page). So you need to select one of the other options if you want clickability.

Require adverts that are clickable and rotating and statistical tracking?

Sorry we don't offer those services, but there are heaps of organisations that do. Those "ad tracking" services (google that), allow you to manage your adverts and links via a 3rd party system. Some of those 3rd parties even source new adverts for you for a fee or margin...

In order to imbed that advertising on your website, you only need to set it up once, using some special javascript code that you can copy and paste into your website or template using the "insert video" option (which accepts any HTML/javascript code snippet) or alternatively changing your page/template into HTML mode and inserting the code that way.

Once you have done that, the 3rd party ad tracker will be in control of your advertising space, and all future advertising reports and management can be obtained from them.

Google Adsense is a good option to check out.. If you don't make more than $100 a month from adsense, then you probably will have a hard job obtaining advertising revenue from other sources... You need alot of traffic to generate value for money for your advertisers...


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