
How to import products from a CSV file spreadsheet into your Shopping Cart

Import from excel spreadsheet in csv format. 

This advanced feature enables you to import product lists from 3rd parties or from your accounting system.

This feature is an advanced feature, intended for very technical users and is not provided with any warranty nor free support. We suggest you only attempt use on a new or trial site, and do not use without training on a site with an existing product inventory. If you have problems with your update, you can email technical support with your CSV file for feedback on how you could improve your file. If your data is not compatible, you will be given a quote for either fixing your data for you, or programatical changes to ensure your data can be more easily uploaded in future.

Column Layout is especially important. CSV files come in many different layouts. You need to open your file with some spreadsheet software, and shuffle your columns around so that they match the order and type of the columns in the second question below.

You can export your data in spreadsheet CSV format, then modify with a spreadsheet program, then import your data back in here. Note, not all fields may have been included in the export, but using the update by code option you can update the most important fields in this way. Take special note of the following warnings, and consider using a much reduced column format for you update so you only update the data you need to. Especially relevant to not breaking formated description text.

Very important warnings

  • Numeric columns must contain values, eg 0
  • Date columns must contain value, eg 1900-01-01 (Warning some spreadsheets rewrite this format)
  • Description column (and others) do not support multiline/formated text, and is suitable for text without newline characters only.
  • Product code must be unique if using any UPDATE method, otherwise use the INSERT ALL RECORDS option to ignore product codes..
  • The groupid acn be used to define which group a product belongs to. The groupid must already exist in our database. See list at end of this page.
  • The group text option can also be used to match to existing groups, and it will create new groups where neccessary.
  • Test your data on a trial web space a few times until you are confident about how it works
  • This section is intended for technical people who understand how databases work... If you have any problems, support time is chargeable (unless our system is at error, exlcuding known limitations listed above.) For all other users we recomend you use our catelogue manager directly to manage your product lists.


All prices are excl GST. 

Only the best price is given to a customer, from a range of options. General % discounts are only applied to RRP, so member prices and price breaks need to beat the RRP less discounts. 

Category IDs (Group IDs)

Refer to category ID's on footer of page where you upload file.


0 = Main Shopping Page

-9 = hidden

Member Groups

These are a special pricing group that can be assigned to any member. Each member can only belong to one of these groups. All members are group A by default if they have logged in. These groups are not the ordinary member groups used for emailing or password protection. 

Column Definitions

 Column Description  Notes / Rules
p_code Product Code   50 chars ok
 p_title Product Title  
 p_order Visibility / Position of Product, eg position 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 etc, and 0 is hidden  
 p_img Image URL from the /uploads/ based path... eg should look like this, where 9999 is your site ID: "9999/images/myfilename.jpg"  
 p_details Short format description. The long format description and information tabs cannot be uploaded via CSV, as they are HTML formatted.  
 p_extra1 Optional extra fields, eg Make, Model, ISBN or Year  
 p_extra2  Optional extra fields, eg Make, Model, ISBN or Year  
 p_extra3  Optional extra fields, eg Make, Model, ISBN or Year  
 p_group Category Name, optional, use categories by name here, and a new category will be created or matched as required, instead of using the p_groupid method. 
p_groupid Primary Category or 0 for main menu, or -9 for n/a (setting this overrides the p_group method above) integer
p_groupid2 Additional Category integer
p_groupid3 Additional Category integer
p_groupid4 Additional Category integer
p_groupid5 Additional Category integer
p_groupid6 Additional Category integer
p_groupid7 Additional Category integer
p_groupid8 Additional Category integer
p_price The retail checkout price excl gst decimal(10,2)
p_priceprediscount RRP price, and base price for discounts., excl gst decimal(10,2)
p_pricea Price for logged in associated member group decimal(10,2)
p_priceb Price for logged in associated member group decimal(10,2)
p_pricec Price for logged in associated member group decimal(10,2)
p_priced Price for logged in associated member group decimal(10,2)
p_pricee Price for logged in associated member group decimal(10,2)
p_pricef Price for logged in associated member group decimal(10,2)
p_priceg Price for logged in associated member group decimal(10,2)
p_priceh Price for logged in associated member group decimal(10,2)
p_pricebreaka Price will be this if following quantity purchased decimal(10,2)
p_pricebreaka_minqty Minimum quantity required for special price above decimal(10,3)
p_pricebreakb Price will be this if following quantity purchased decimal(10,2)
p_pricebreakb_minqty Minimum quantity required for special price above decimal(10,3)
p_pricebreakc Price will be this if following quantity purchased decimal(10,2)
p_pricebreakc_minqty Minimum quantity required for special price above decimal(10,3)
p_shipping Additional domestic freight fee _added_ to other freight fees decimal(10,2)
p_shipping_int Additional international freight fee _added_ to other freight fees decimal(10,2)
p_uom Unit of measure eg EA
p_weight Weight in grams integer 
p_outofstockmessage Text message saying out of stock, shown next to price
p_minqty Minimum quantity that can be purchased decimal(10,3)
p_maxqty Maximum quantity that can be purchased decimal(10,3)
p_qtyinc Quantity Increment for purchasing (eg 12 means purchase by dozen, price each) decimal(10,3)
p_qtyinstock Quantity in stock decimal(10,3)
p_supplierprice Supplier Prce for reference only decimal(10,2)
p_suppliercode Supplier Code for reference only
p_suppliername Supplier Name For Reference only
p_filename SEO Filename valid filename
p_metatitle SEO Meta Title
p_emailfile Secure Doc File, emailed to customer after payment must exist in secure docs directory

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