
Trade Pricing / Member Pricing


  • Add a members login page to your website (if not already existing)
  • Edit each of your customers (aka members) within the CMS View Members area (green button) and assign a price group to each (on their member profile edit page)
  • Edit each of your products that is subject to a trade discount, you will see 8 price groups in the pricing area of each product item pricing edit screen.
  • Customers must login to see trade pricing. Retail customers won't see trade pricing. So you need to comunicate with them that they must login for member pricing. They will not see the retail pricing when they login.
  • If you don't want to sell retail, then password protect the entire shopping page.
  • If you want to show the public some product information, but not allow purchases by them, then you would be best to duplicate all your products in a shopping gallery. Contact us if you would like this done as a bulk operation.
  • Do not use an export price if you have international customers with a price break. The export retail price will always override the price break.
  • Member prices must be cheaper than the retail price and not 0, otherwise the retail price will be used.
  • If you need to send your members an email with their password, you can use a newsletter with the [PASSWORD] field included somewhere in it. That field will be replaced with the customers unique password when the email is sent. Test on yourself first, by limiting your search to your email address. Later, just send the email to "authorised users" only.



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