
Sending A Newsletter via the Bulk Emailer

Please ensure your customer database has names in the format of “firstname surname” and remove any titles.  

Only Opt-In members or higher can receive emails.
If you have your customers verbal permission, you can opt them in on their behalf.

And you can create groups of selected members. Each member can belong to multiple groups.

Enable the opt in feature at the earliest opportunity

We create a new newsletter

FIRSTNAME retrieves the first word of the customers name from the database, alternatively use [NAME]

PASSWORD is a great way to notifiy a large database of their new unique passwords.

Images can be inserted easily

Link to pages on your website

Build your mailing list in steps using filters, 

Select no filters to add everyone

Continue adding members to complete your list.

Enter a catchy email subject, and enter your name and email address

It is a good idea to preview your email and comply with the unsolicited messages act.

Emails will be sent once you press this button

Statistics include individual readership and link clicking details.

How to set up and send a newsletter using the bulk emailer.

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