
How to add Vouchers and Discounts

Vouchers are intended for single use, eg when someone buys a gift voucher. Promotional codes are when you want to give several people the same voucher number, so that all can get a discount.

To allow customers to use the promotional code or voucher - enable the voucher redemption field as listed below. They can then insert their code and adjust the value of the goods at the checkout prior to payment.

To create and manage individual vouchers:

  1. Click the Shopping button from the left menu to bring up your shopping cart page
  2. Click the the grey Vouchers button on the top right menu
  3. Select "Voucher Management"
  4. Enter the appropriate information in the fields provided (the code is static used to identify the value of the voucher to your shopping cart)
  5. Click Add Voucher

To create and manage promotional codes and discounts:

  1. Click the Shopping button from the left menu to bring up your shopping cart page
  2. Click the the grey Vouchers button on the top right menu
  3. Select "Discounts and Promotional Code Discounts"
  4. Enter the appropriate information in the fields provided (Leave the promo code blank if this offer should apply automatically to everyone.  Leave the currency blank if this offer should apply to all currencies.  If more than one discount matches, only the best will be used, not all. Maximum discount is optional. Leave it zero if it doesn't apply. Leave any item zero if it doesn't apply.)
  5. Click Add Promotion

To create a link on your shopping cart that says "Redeem Voucher":

  1. Click the Shopping button from the left menu to bring up your shopping cart page
  2. Click the the grey Vouchers button on the top right menu
  3. Select "Enable/disable the promo code box on the checkout page here"
  4. Tick "Voucher Redemption"
  5. Save Changes

To sell Gift Vouchers on your website:

  1. Add Gift Voucher as you would add a product, adding a different $ amount for each voucher you want to offer. 


  • You cannot assign vouchers to individual products nor categories. 
  • You can now add "Normal Prices" or "RRP" prices to your shopping cart. Any discount is not calculated, nor used anywhere, except to show a mark down price. Any vouchers or promotional codes will be calculated on the real price, not the "normal price" 


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