
Font colour won't change from blue

I change my text to black in the colours dropdown box but it still shows as blue.  Why?

Many Answers

  • You need to select the text and press "unlink" from the links dropdown box.  You may have previously linked text on that line, and it won't change back to black until it's unlinked.
  • If you copy and paste links from one page to another, they sometimes copy colour information as well and this can override other settings... First try selecting the text and use the Style Menu option called "unformat".... if no luck there, please contact us to clean up any pages for a small fee if this troubles you.... or try copying and pasting into windows notepad before formating your page.
  • Stylesheets can override the options in your colour settings. If you are an advanced user, check your stylesheet. Otherwise a fee
  • Publish changes and click shift refresh to get the latest version of the website onto your computer

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