
Add a New Member

How to add a single new member

Go to the Members tab

Add a new member

Here you have the option to quickly add a single member, using minimal fields, or fill out all members details.

You can add your member to a pre made group here as well by ticking the relevant groups on the right side.

There is the option to send a default introductory email and password at the bottom of the form.

Using the Copy/Paste method - multiple email addresses

Go to the Members tab

Import Member List

Select Copy/paste

Enter your list of emails here. Each email address should be on a new line. They can be separated by tabs, commas, semicolons also. 

If your email address is in the format of "My Name " then that will work ok also, and it will populate the members name field with that name preceding the email address. 

Any quotes will be removed and trimmed. If the name is not provided in the email address, then the name of each member will be approximated from the username preceding the @ of each email address.

The member group is a reference that you can filter on later. Perhaps code different groups for different lists, or different trade shows etc.

If you opt in all these users, then you need to ensure that you comply with the law. You need to have offline proof of how each and every member came to be on your list.

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