
Order Options

Clicking the Order number (or the blue magnifying glass in the buttons to the right) will provide additional options and detail for managing the order.

Options overview

Summary The Summary screen provides detailed information on the status of the order, including customer information, shipping, payment, items ordered and amount paid.
View Order (Default View) Opens a merchant copy of the Order.
Payment Provides an Order payment status, allows the merchant to print or resend invoices, process a manual payment or change the payment menthod set. You can also Intiate a new payment transaction, and view the payment attempts history to debug issues if a customers method of payment is failing.
Shipping Update a shipping notification, email couriers for dispatch, make partial shipments of goods orderd, save shipping notes. update shipping status.
Address Provides Address Verification services via the NZ Post Address Checker, with matched addresses and quality score, to confirm validity of address provided. Address lookups are available for international addresses.
Print / Email Docs Provides a library of all dockets related to the order, for customers and merchants. You can resend documents to the customer from this screen if required.
Picklist Provides a picklist of products to print, or use on tablet as an interactive page. You can scan items using a barcode scanner to update the list as well.
Notes / History View the order history, save notes against the order, or email the customer.
Bookings If the order is a paid booking e.g. hire, seat, appointment, you can view the delivery time detail here.
Returns / Adj Update the order in case of stock returns / adjustments, or to add a custom Invoice/Ajustment/Shipping fee or issue a discount or credit. You can apply a refund.
Edit Order You can reopen a closed order. This is available but not recommended - see tooltips on the Edit Order screen for more information.  For most merchants making changes via Returns / Adjustments or Address is a better approach.
Copy Order You can copy an existing order as a new draft order. This also updates the options available with new copy-related options.
View Customer View all information related to the customer, update customer details.
Automation Here you can deliver further online services to the purchaser, eg Upgrade their login status, send them a password reminder, send vouchers or send digital files they may have purchased., view API information for third-party plugins / services used.
Cancel Order Cancelled orders will remain in the database, but are ignored from reports.
We do not offer a delete order option, as there was no undo possible when some merchants accidently deleted orders.

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