
Image Sizes for Bulk Emailer

What size images should I use in my bulk emails?

By default, a 600px full width image is the size set for the bulk emailer. You can however configure your settings to use images with other widths.
A highly targeted image size would be 600px, ignoring margins.
It is important to know that whatever size image you use in your bulk emails, it will be shrunk automatically to the available width. For most photos, this will be sufficient. Also, the email client your reciever is using is the one 'in charge' of displaying the images the person receiever sees in the email. This could mean images may be different sizes or not shown at all. 

Adding Images to a Bulk Email

You can add images to your email using any of the available editors. The Drag and Drop editor is easy to use and will show you the available snippets you can add to your email. Simply drag these over from the right of the screen and into position, just as you would when adding content to a web page. Each of the snippets have a preset default size which will suit most email requirements. Within a snippet, the image will be sgrunk automatically to fit the available width.
It is not recommended to try to embed a video into a bulk email, but rather use a placeholder image of the video, together with a link to where the video is hosted elsewhere, such as Vimeo, YouTube or your website link.
If you do make changes to the HTML or Style via the popup properties editor, this is at your own risk. Different email clients interpret different settings in unique and interesting ways. These tools give designers access to features that some novice users should take care with, and are best left to experienced designers. 

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