
Allow Administrators / Sales Reps access to their approved members

By assigning a member record to a certain administrator and configuring the additional administrators access settings, you can set it up so that each admin can only access their assigned members records.

With access to the POS System - your Sales Agents can login, access or create new customers, and places orders on their behalf.

- Sales Reps need to be set up as additional administrators to the website, with the appropriate restrictions on access data.

- Their customers can be set up as Members on the website, with their Sales Rep ID being assigned to the relevant Sales Rep.

1. Set up your rep as an administrator. An example of a potential reps setup is below. Red eye icons means these permissions have been removed from the user. See how to set up an administrator here. 

2. Send your sales rep a POS password from this area once this is done.

3. In the Members area, assign the sales rep to their customers. You can do this in bulk by checking the boxes next to the members profile and using the pop up menu on the right to assign the sales rep. You may need to scroll down to see this area. 

There is no free support for this advanced feature, if you need more information please contact your support team.

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