Our system is designed to make planning, creating and modifying (even adding more functions) as simple as possible. The FAQ's (frequently asked questions) are your first point of reference for more detailed help than the on-page explanations.
To navigate use the menu on the left to find the section / general topic you need help with. Scroll through the topics and click the link that matches to your query.
Alternatively use the search box (top right corner), it is recommended to search for short keywords. Our site search engine only uses exact keyword matches, so try a few shorter variations of your keywords until you get a few matches. eg if you need help with "publishing issues", then you should search for "publish" or if you have a problem with "domain registrations" then you should just search for "register" or "domain". Also try synonyms other words with similar meaning eg "transfer" instead of "upload".
If there is something in the FAQ that you feel is incorrect, please let us know. We're constantly improving our product, and sometimes the FAQ items may be a step behind the improved way of doing something. We strive to give you cutting edge help and information your feedback is appreciated to help us achieve this.
When contacting us regarding the FAQ's, please include-