
Creating new POP3 or IMAP Email Mailbox Accounts

To add a new mailbox or email forwarding rule

  1. Hover over the Domains & Email button in the top menu
  2. From the dropdown, find the required domain and click the Email button to get to the email set up area

 To access the email setup area for our example domain - click the EMAIL button shown in the example above.

Note: You will need to have a domain name specified in the system in order to see the above control panel.
If your domain is registered with a different Domain Registrar you will still need to have the CMS set up


  • Please follow the instructions in the email configuration screen. If you have several domain names or several email aliases, then please only setup one mailbox, and use email forwarders for all other email addresses. This will be the simplest solution for you. 
  • You can, if you like, set up "filters" in your email program to sort recieved emails by adressee so that you can easily see which website the email is regarding - perhaps having them automatically filed in a folder for each website.  The procedure for doing this is unique to the mail program you are using, check their help files.


Creating a Mailbox and Forwarding Rule:

To create a mailbox using your domain name, enter the prefix you want at the start of the address. For instance, support, info or your name. In this example, we could use

Upon clicking on the Create Mailbox Now button, you will be redirected to the email configuration screen mentioned above, to work through.

To create a forwarding rule, enter the email prefix (or leave it blank to redirect all emails using your domain) and then enter the email address you wish to redirect it to. In this example, we would leave the prefix blank ( and choose the email to redirect to as for all emails to be sent to our Gmail account.

The email configuration screen showing the Create a POP3/IMAP link.

Email service and support

A basic email service

We provide a basic email service that is only supplementary to our web hosting service. If you consider email to be crucial to your business, then you should contact a professional email company to provide you a professional dedicated email service. eg this applies to spam filtering, virus filtering, larger mailboxes, larger attachments, 24/7 support, MS exchange etc. Having said that using an online service (such a gmail) is becoming more and more practical - with its many advantages (and can be set up so your customers will never know)

What support we provide regarding email issues

Note, we will provide support for your POP3 mailbox to only confirm that your webmail is working and that your POP3 account is working from our end.

If you experience issues on your own computer, eg due to internet access, firewalls, outages, viruses, computer corruption, illegal software, or general lack of knowledge on how to setup your email accounts, then this support time will be provided at your expense. We suggest that all businesses make available to themselves a local computer technician who can solve problems on site, who will then be able to actually see your screen and use your keyboard.

Please understand that there are many different email clients, many different ISP's providing outgoing email services, many different levels of customer experience. Without being able to see your screen or use your keyboard, we just cannot provide that level of support. If we can confirm that your webmail is working correctly, then this is the demarkation point between confirming your email service is being provided correctly, and your need to provide your own IT technician to manage your own computer interface.

If you want us to provide technical support over the phone for your computer, then we can, however this time is chargeable. Standard fee for helping with customers email configuration via the phone is $100 + GST (maximum of 30 minutes).

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