Our servers are distributed around the world, and you can choose the location by specifying your preferred A record or selecting the location in the nameserver management page. Note that when choosing your hosting location it is best to choose a hoster nearest your target audience not necessarily near you. This means that if for example you are hosted in Dallas, your site will load very quickly for your US visitors (and perhaps just as importantly the popular search engine robots), however your site might load more slowly for you if you are located in a different country. This is a very small compromise to have you site optimised for both your users and search engines.
Auckland, New Zealand:
Dallas, Texas, USA:
Sydney, Australia:
London, United Kingdom
To provide a world wide web hosting service at maximum speeds permitted at your nearest data center, we have the following notes: At all locations outside of New Zealand, we use either a proxy or mirroring technique. Published files and binaries are served at full speed of the local network. Dynamic files served in real time via our New Zealand server. The delay in load speed of a dynamic page is less than the time taken to generate the dynamic page. There is a 5 minute latency when you publish your files to international servers. This latency ensures your files serve as quickly as possible in the geographical region most important to you. It is a short delay that is only noticed when you make changes to your website.