
Change Menu Button Name and SEO options

  1. Hover over the Web Pages button on the left to display the list of web pages on the site
  2. Hover over the relevant page, then click the rename icon [Aa]. 
  3. Type your new name into "Menu Button Label", click Save then Publish Changes.


You can also supply a graphic for your menu button that gives you more control over the look and feel of the button image. This can also be uploaded in the page renaming area. 

Other Options:
There are many other options available from under the rename link... You can give the menu button a specific position (order) and also many SEO options are available here


Button Position

  • Menu button positioning and option to hide button can be found next to the label "Menu Button Positioning"

SEO Search Engine Optimization:  

Search Engine Optimisation Hints

    • Enter a page meta title with your key phrase for each page on the left, and your company name on the right. The meta title appears as the title in the google search results and also in the browser title bar.
    • Enter a page meta description to follow your title in the search results. It should contain your keyphrase twice within human readible text.
    • Keywords are not so important, however if you do use them, only use words that are actually contained on your page. Just separate words with spaces. Do not repeat any words
    • A save as filename is used to create a natural, easily comunicatable URL to your page. It can contain dashes but it cannot contain spaces. Use your keyphrase, replacing spaces with dashes, and ending with a .html suffix. eg "buy-womens-shoes-here.html" will then be highlighted better if someone searches google for "womens shoes"
    • The first line sentence is a trick some people use, but we suggest you instead write a search engine optimised paragraph as your first paragraph in the content of your page. For your first paragraph, you should use your keyphrase twice, within human readible text.
    • It is best to SEO your website on a page by page basis. Treat each different page of your website as a different "hook" page or a different "call to action". Consider the SEO tags and page content as a whole for this same purpose 
    • It is best to SEO your website on a page by page basis. Treat each different page of your website as a different "hook" page or a different "call to action". Consider the SEO tags and page content as a whole for this same purpose 


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