
Website Statistics

Our Content Management System provides advanced viewing statistics so you can find out how many people are viewing your site.

  • After logging in, you will find your stats on your welcome dashboard with links to different areas of your stats. 
  • Alternatively, you can click the SEO menu tab, and select either Stats Dashboard (most information is found here) or Live Visitor Monitor (see current and very recent visitor information here). 

  • Discover who else is linking to your website, and how effective they have been. 
  • Discover what your most effective search keywords are, and fine tune your website to use those keywords more. This is the best way to get new customers via search engines who really want to see your website
  • Discover how popular your website is by country/hour/day/month. See the changes over time by graph. See the difference between the number of different people who visited your site (unique visitors), versus the number of times those people visited (visits), versus the number of individual pages they looked at while there were there ( pages ). In comparison, "hits" includes absolutely every single photo, thumbnail and image on your website.
  • Learn how much traffic (bandwidth) you are using, in total and by country.
  • Check errors. See if anyone is linking to an old page on your website. It is a good idea to hide old pages, rather than delete them.
  • Learn how long people are staying on your website. If less than 25% are staying under 30 seconds, then your home page is not effective enough. You are not saying the right things, or your keywords have been misleading. The longer you retain your customer, the more likely the customer will stay.

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