
New Domain Name Registration Tutorial

  1. Login to our Content Management System   
  2. Select your website (if you have more than one webspace under your account)
  3. Go to the Domains/Email tab.
  4. Select Register a New domain (right hand side green button)
  5. Enter your domain of choice and click "search"  (see the tips on choosing your domains below)
  6. Repeat if necessary until you find an available name you are happy with.
  7. Click Register Domain ( it will have your new domain name in the link)
  8. On the next screen enter your details, tick the terms and conditions box and click continue. 
  9. Follow the payment steps to completion.
  10. Payment can be made by cheque, online banking or visa card
  11. Our support team will be notified and action your request as soon as payment is received.

Important Note: Registration is not completed untill payment is received, so payment by credit card is a good idea. Anyone can register your domain at another registrar while we await payment, so don't delay.

Tips on choosing domain names -

  • Use lowercase characters and numbers only. Dashes - are permitted. Spaces and other punctuation are not - e.g. mycompanyname [.com] 
  • Remember to select a suitable suffix, e.g. .com .org .net .biz .info .ws
  • You should normally pick a domain name that closely resembles your company name.  It should preferably be short and easy to remember, eg use your company initials, or abbrieviated alias.  Leave the "Ltd" or "Pty" part off.
  • If you are mainly selling to a domestic market, then you should use a local suffix like for New Zealand, .com, .net or .biz for America and Australia etc.  
  • It is a good idea to register more than just one domain name (they can all seamlessly take people to your site or to specific pages within your site). 
  • You should also register common misspellings of your name, and the generic names of your products and services.

When is payment required?

Payment for domain names is required within 3 days.You can pay by cheque, online banking or credit card.  If you pay late, the registration process may not complete, possibly allowing other people to register your domain name.  It takes about 2 working days for registration of your domain name to complete. It can take up to 1 week for a new website address to propogate right around the internet.

Is your  countries suffix missing?  

We can only register for a limited number of countries/suffixes, or the process is more complicated/expensive in the missing countries.  

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