
Catalogue/Shopping Cart Layout Options

Category Page

Product List Layout

Product Detail Layout


We have many different Product list layout options available

  • Two, three, or four column layouts with thumbnails

  • Column layouts with list prices and/or buy now buttons

  • Vertical list layouts
  • Single page carts, and more

Change to another Product list layout easily

Layouts can be easily changed at a later date without the need to set you cart up from scratch, simply select another layout from the available list or contact us to create a customised layout for you (fees may apply for customised work).

By default the categories layout uses the same layout as the product list layout chosen, but you can override this via the Ecommerce > Display Options area.

To change your Product list layout

  • Click the Ecommerce button, then click the grey Layout button at the top right of the editor.
  • From there select one of the layout options. Most of these options have a sample view and explanation of their function (the type of information that will be displayed etc)

The layout tab can be found at the top-right of the main editor window.

The Product detail layout

Your product detail layout page contains additional detail about the product when a customer clicks the product in the product list. The page layout allows for form information to be displated below the product in tabs or free-format.

To change your Product detail layout

  • Click the ECOMMERCE button, then click the CUSTOMISE DISPLAY OPTIONS button, found in the display options area.
  • From there click the Change Product Page Layout button, found in the Main/Category List Page Display Options section to bring up the list of different layout options.

The customise display options button (top left) is found under the Customise Display Options area.

The Change Product Page Layout option is found to the right in the Main / Category List Page Display Options

Some of the different product detail layouts (sub-page layouts) available

To further customise your Categories layout

  • Click the ECOMMERCE button, then click the CUSTOMISE DISPLAY OPTIONS button, found in the display options area.
  • From there select one of the layout options. Most of these options have a sample view and explanation of their function (the type of information that will be displayed etc)

You can change the Categories Format to something different than the default product list layout via the Main / Category List Page Display Options section.

To further customise the Shopping page

To further customise the formatting of your Shopping Cart pages, or enable features and functionality:
  • Click the ECOMMERCE button, then click the CUSTOMISE DISPLAY OPTIONS button, found in the display options area.
  • From here you can customise your product details, category  and checkout pages



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