
Facebook / Social Networking links

You can many different types of social networking links around your website.

There are two types of social networking links

  • SOCIAL NETWORKS - Linking to your social networks, this requires you already have an account and username with each network.
  • ADDTHIS SHARE LINKS - Making it easy for your visitors to Share/Like/Bookmark/Email your page with their friends, and this does not require that they have a social network.

How / Where can i add them into my website

  • Via the DESIGN button in the main Menu, Contact Details and Social section. Click the  ADD SOCIAL WIDGETS button
    You can add either "Add This" or "Social Networking" features to designated places on your website, some positions are template specific.
  • Under DESIGN Settings, Custom Design section. Click the TEMPLATE EDITOR button,
    You can add the following special tags, [SOCIALICONS], [SOCIALLINKS], or [ADDTHIS] to your template, to get those features in the right places.
  • Under Web Pages, Add Page, under "More Widgets", you can select "tell a friend"
  • Go to a website like and follow their instructions. When you are back in the CMS, editing a page, use the Insert menu to insert HTML/Widget/Javascript to embed the special code into your page.

Note: Using the ADD SOCIAL WIDGETS option will add the social networking icons to every page of your website.

    What else do i need to do?

    • If you are using ADDTHIS features, that's all you need to do.
    • If you are using SOCIAL NETWORKS, then you need to add all your usernames to the contact details page.

    Adding Usernames to Contact Details Page

    1. In the CMS, from the left menu, click on MORE, then CONTACT DETAILS
    2. Enter your usernames in there
      • You cannot copy and paste URLs into the username boxes... You must use usernames
      • Facebook: Some sites like facebook do not make it easy to get a username/alias, you will need 25 friends at least to get one for a business page. Then go to your business page, edit page (left menu), Marketing (left menu), then "Create Alias"
      • LinkedIn: Go to profile, edit profile, change public profile settings, your public profile URL, Edit, then select a new username there.


    Want more support?

    • Contact us to help you with this, but note that all our time will be chargeable. We cannot provide free support for all the social networks in existence, but are happy to help you on chargeable time.


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