
Who owns my website?

You own your own website and we own the content management system and other tools and functionality provided in your website (the behind the scene workings)

Your Intellectual Property

You own your graphics, your content, your pages, your data, your mailing lists, your order history, your message history.  You can download your text and images at any time using common FTP software. Details can be found in your "manage files" area.  You can download your order/members/messages data at anytime in CSV format, suitable for viewing in Excel. Depending on the designer involved, please note that your graphics may be subject to an ownership clause until paid in full.
Your domain name
Your right to use your domain name is given to you by the shared registry system. They do not like anyone using the word "own" as you must pay an annual fee to retain "control rights" to the domain. However, you are the registrant, and until that domain expires, no one except you can take or sell the domain to anyone else. We are the typically the authorised registrar in this process and act on behalf of the SRS, and are bound by their rules.
Backup CD's
You may purchase a CD backup at any time by contacting support. Please note that restoration from backups or importing of a website from another provider is also not a free service. Restoration of any part of a website from backups is also possible, but may be chargeable
If your website goes offline
Please note that if your website goes off line due to non payment or at your request, we reserve the right to delete your website at any time after 30 days. If your website is within a trial period, and is not yet live, we reserve the right to delete your website after 30 days of inactivity. Please keep in touch with us so that we know when you expect to go live, so that we can keep your trial active for you.
Data that is over 3 months old
We also reserve the right to delete order history, message histories, backups, web statistics, and any other data that is over 3 months old. You should regularly keep a copy of any historical data if it is important to you. Our shopping cart system is not an accounting system, and should not be used as your final repository for order data.

Our Intellectual Property

We own the tools that we provide you to create/update your website. We also own any customised content templates or functionality that we may add for you.

This may impact on shopping websites and forums. You cannot take your forum or shopping cart with you to another server. You may take your data, text and images, but not the functionality.

When we charge a setup fee for using our functionality, it is a setup fee only, you are not purchasing any ownership nor license of the functionality that you are using.

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