
Outage - I can't see my website

Process to determine why you can't see your website
  1. Can you search for any words on google and get results? If not, you have a general internet outage, that you should contact your own ISP and not us. As soon as you have your internet connectivity back please continue to the next option below.
  2. Do you get a server error page or a not found page, or do you get a page saying specifically that the website is offline? If the website has a specific "this website is offline" message, then you should contact the accounts department to ask how you can get your website back online, as this is an accounts issue, not a technical issue.
  3. Can you view this FAQ,, if you can, then there is no problem with our webserver and it is probably an issue with your domain name or nameserver settings. If we manage your nameserver settings, then it is more likely that your domain has expired.
  4. If that does not help, please try the following
    1. Start menu - programs - accessories - command prompt
    2. Type the following without quotes  "tracert" then ENTER
    3. Either copy and paste the output, or use a screen-shot to let us know the result.
      • To do a copy and paste, you right click the mouse then "Mark", Drag mouse over whole page, press enter to do the copy. Then paste into an email
      • To do a screen shot, you hold 'Shift' then the "PRNT SCRN" button, then paste into PAINT, then save as jpeg and attach into an email to send to our support desk

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