
Creating an Email Template / Email Tags

When starting a new email you have the option of either
  • Creating a new email with our default template
  • Or "repeat/copy" from a previously sent email, using it as your template for each new bulk email

You cannot modify the default template, however copying an existing newsletter works well and often saves much re-entry.

Personalising your Templates

You can include the following fields in your email content

With the bulk emailer unsubscribe links will be taken care of for you in the footer of your email.


Their first name (first name retrieved from the full NAME member record) [FIRSTNAME]
Their name (complete name retreived from the NAME member record) [NAME]  [mbr_name]
Their expiry date if any exists [EXPIRY]
Their password [PASSWORD] [PASSWORD]
Members reference number if any exists [REFERENCE]
A special link that allows customers to confirm their email address validity (double optin) [CONFIRMLINK] [CONFIRMLINK]
Autologin URL [autoLoginURL] or
[autoLoginURL] or
Unsubscribe URL [unsubscribeURL] or [unsubscribeLink]
Member Points Balance - only if points > 0 [mbr_points_balance] or [points_summary]

You can also use additional fields inside square tags []

mbr_name mbr_addr mbr_city mbr_country mbr_fax
mbr_company MBR_EXPIRY mbr_email mbr_postcode mbr_suburb
mbr_mobile mbr_phone

And for the sake of completeness and brevity, you can also use any of these, in both the subject and email body. And tags are case insensitive.

mbr_id mbr_level mbr_name mbr_password mbr_reference
mbr_logins mbr_last_login mbr_expiry mbr_created mbr_commission
mbr_discount mbr_aff_hits digestnextemaildate digestregularity mbr_notes
mbr_email_format mbr_lang mbr_email_accounts mbr_loginfails mbr_referredby
mbr_pricegrp mbr_ipaddr mbr_title mbr_referred mbr_url
mbr_birthdate mbr_gender mbr_last_activity mbr_jobtitle mbr_grp
mbr_email_fail_reason mbr_email_fail_time mbr_terms_agreed mbr_debtcollect mbr_balance
mbr_balance30days mbr_balance60days mbr_balance90days subject

Additional Tags (BULK EMAILER only)

email firstname name reference expiry
mbr_points_balance points_summary

Backgrounds ( BULK EMAILER)

If you want to use background images and more complex items, then more technical users may refer to the email stylesheet in the custom templates design area.

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