Stock Sync Multi Site

Please note this area is an advanced area, and consultancy fees apply for any support related to this area... 

To sync stock and other product data  between two or more hosted websites.

This area allows you to keep multiple websites in sync with a master website. You should use this area on your child websites, and point each child at the master website.

The master website does not require this plugin. It is expected that key product information is updated on the master page. Updates to child pages will not sync to the master, and may be overridden if the master is updated, as per the chosen fields set.

  • Switch to one of the sites to receive the synced data, then choose the site to set as the master via E-Commerce > Advanced > Stock synchronisation.
  • Choose the options and properties you want to sync.
  • Consultancy fees apply to any support in this area.

Syncing product data locally between shopping pages on one website via product code

There is another case study, that allows you to select your own website as the master website, and in that case, the stock will be synced locally against the product code.

Stock updates are bi directional, so whatever page that stock is sold, will update both/all the pages.

It is expected that products are updated on the master page.

If you self reference from a shop page, then this page is a child, not the master. This page will receive description/price updates from the master page.  Updates to child pages will not sync to the master. The master page is the page on this website, that does not itself identify a master record.

  • Switch to one of the shopping pages to receive the synced data, then choose to self=reference the current site to set as the master via E-Commerce > Advanced > Stock synchronisation.
  • Choose the options and properties you want to sync.
  • Consultancy fees apply to any support in this area.

Fields that can be synched

p_details, p_url, p_price, p_shipping, p_shipping_int, p_uom, p_order, p_listed, p_code, p_weight, p_counter, p_qtyinstock, p_extra1, p_extra2, p_extra3, p_extra4, p_extra5, p_extra6, p_emailfile, p_title, p_gender, p_pricea, p_priceb, p_pricec, p_priced, p_pricee, p_pricef, p_priceg, p_priceh, p_minqty, p_maxqty, p_qtyinc, p_priceprediscount, p_autoupgrademember, p_autoupgradepassword, p_optioncount, p_prompt4text, p_supplierprice, p_suppliercode, p_suppliername, p_qtylowstock, p_outofstockmessage, p_showbuybutton, p_dt_available, p_dt_expires, p_filename, p_metatitle, p_minlevelforsee, p_vouchervalue, p_voucherexpiry, p_autovoucher, p_pricebreaka, p_pricebreaka_minqty, p_pricebreakb, p_pricebreakb_minqty, p_pricebreakc, p_pricebreakc_minqty, p_height, p_width, p_depth, p_api_source_id, p_api_source, p_promote, p_colour, p_size, p_style, p_sale_ends, p_option_display_type, p_cascade_pricing, p_voucher_createafter, p_voucher_percent, p_freight_exclude, p_postpay_info, p_gst_rule, p_manufacturer, p_manufact_sku, p_private_stock_notes, p_backorder_maxqty, p_target_quantity, p_buy_points, p_autoupgrade_expiry, p_location, p_additionaltext, p_tab_moreinformation, p_tab_features, p_tab_specifications, p_tab_contents, p_tab_links, p_tab_video, p_tab_reviews, p_tab_termsconditions, p_checkout_questions, p_qty_label, p_deposit_pc, p_bookingtype, p_bookingcalendartags, p_bookingsequence, p_qtyonorder, p_booking_price_unit, p_limitshippingtocountries, p_metadesc, p_metakeywords, p_season_pricing, p_sale_items_left, p_code_gl_sales, p_custom_fields, p_error_msg, p_itemcondition, p_recipe_type, p_pricebreaka_setup, p_pricebreakb_setup, p_pricebreakc_setup, p_voucher_not_redeemable_online, p_aggregaterating, p_aggregateratingcount, p_pricebreakd, p_pricebreakd_setup, p_pricebreakd_minqty, p_pricebreake, p_pricebreake_setup, p_pricebreake_minqty, p_pricebreakf, p_pricebreakf_setup, p_pricebreakf_minqty, p_supplier_puq, p_replenishqty, p_vendor_notify, p_stock_display, p_address_search, p_tab_applications,p_enquiry,p_cost_price,p_minqtytrade,p_madeincountry,p_age_target,p_subtitle,p_maxlevelforsee

Master image syncing

With the master image sync option checked, the synched image might only be visible via the live domain rather than in the CMS as it is linked from the master websites primary URL.

Manually syncing images

You can use the Test Sync from Store button to manually sync images from the master site.

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