Using Contentbox to manage your banner content allows gives you access to all the formatting options available in the Contentbox Editor.
Click the Edit Banner Using Contentbox button to enable the Contentbox Banner.
This will load a default Caption Slider banner, which you can edit as needed - see help below:
Like all Contentbox sections, the caption content uses drag-drop snippet blocks added to the section. You can edit and style content the same way you would using the drag-drop editor.
You can use the Contentbox settings to set the width and alignment amongst other things.
Contains a Slide Manager popup which can allow you to quickly manage the amount slides, reorder, add new slides, replace the images and set the slider settings.
The Section Settings button launches the standard Contentbox Settings options, which also allows you to set the height of the section, content width, light text, content alignment, and other things. You can also use the BLUE COG at the top left to launch the section settings popup.
Remove will remove the current section.
Allows you to move, change the section settings, duplicate the section and delete the section. See the Contentbox Introduction for more information.
Allows you add a new Contentbox section, if you want to change to a Multi Caption slider.
The Contentbox editor used in the banners area is the standard banner area, all section types are available to be added.
Single Caption Image Slider (Default)
Allows multiple images to fade or slide, with a single caption overlaid.
Multi Caption Image Slider
Allows different captions to appear on each slide.
To delete the existing section, click the orange X ICON top left of the section, or the orange REMOVE button at bottom right of the section.
To add a new section, click the green ADD NEW SECTION button top left of the section, then choose your required section type.
Clicking the green Slide Manager button will launch the Slide Manager popup, which allows you to:
To manage your Section settings, click the blog COG ICON top left of the section, or the blue SECTION SETTINGS button at bottom right of the section.