
Oversized Image Warnings

As well as image size warnings that appear when using the Crop/resize Image wizard. The system provides warnings of oversized content when using the CMS.

Oversized Product Images

Oversized Images in the Drag-drop and Contentbox editors

If an uploaded image is oversized by a large degree, the Image Properties popup will provide a warning about this and prompt to use the crop wizard.

Note: The editor does its best to replicate the image dimensions as they appear in the live website, in some cases due to the template code, this may not be 100% accurate so please use as an indicative guide.

Using the style editor to learn the dimensions of any element (images included)

If you want to get an understanding of an elements dimensions, you can use the Style Editor (RED COG icon) to get an approximate size. (SIZE EST). You can also view image properties via the Image Settings (RED CHAIN) icon.

With image properties you get the estimated size area along with the  images original dimensions.

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