
Positioning images on single plain pages

There are 2 main ways to position an image, either using columns or alignment.

Use the columns dropdown menu to create special columns for your images. Sometimes its a good idea to create 1 more column than you need as a spacer column. Columns are good if you want to make your pages very tidy.

The other option is to select the "alignment" dropdown before uploading your image. If you set this to either left or right, then the text will flow tightly around the image, giving an effect similar to many encylopedias. This method makes best use of visible space on your page.

If you have alot of images to position, then you might consider some of the "gallery" formats. Then you can assign separate pages or paragraphs to each image.

If you require any more help to position your images, then this requires our expert design skills, then fees are chargeable. Please contact us for a quote to tidy up your pages. This cost will be minimised by you attempting to do as much as possible yourself.

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