
Custom Freight Overview

Custom freight pricing overview:

Below is an overview of the settings that you will see when you edit an existing freight option, or if you choose  "Advanced freight option"

Above is a simple example of a shipping option for non rural addresses only. This means customers who enter a rural address will not see this shipping option.

A brief overview on each field:

Shipping Fee Calculation (NZD): 

Dropdown list position:
The lower the number the higher the options shows up as an option.

Invoice Display prompt:
Shown on invoice

Base fee per order:  
Base cost of shipping option

Per unit fee:  
This amount will be added for each unit in your cart

Rural delivery surcharge:  
Extra for rural customers.

Weight Based Fees: 

Here you can set different pricing tiers based on weights or set a weight cost for every X amount of grams.

Weights values for products are set on each product via the PRICE tab when editing the product.

There are 5 weight based options that can be set for a freight rule. When used in conjuction with the Valid For Weight Range field you can create additional weight rules above the ones set.

Address / location filters: 

Post code filters:
Adding post codes here will only allow those address to see and select this shipping option.

Post code exclusions:
Post codes that cannot see or select this shipping option.

Rural/PO Exclusions:
Choose if you want to hide this shipping option from rural and or PO box addresses

Country/region filter:
Shipping option will only be available to customers in selected country.
You can also set to specific region in New Zealand, Australia and the US.

Currency filter:
Shipping option will only be able to be selected by customers with selected currency set in their shopping cart.
Creating and managing multiple currencies is set via the ECOMMERCE section of the CMS.

Product / Order Filters

Setting to determine whether this option will show or not.Rules can be based on price total of products in the cart, category location, weight or shopping page.

Restrict by Price / Weight

If any product is in category: 
If any of the products in the customers cart are in this category, then this freight rule can be applicable.

If no product is in category: 
If no product in the customers cart is in this category, then this freight rule can be applicable.

If all the products are in this category: 
If all the products the customer has selected are from this category and they have not selected anything from another category, then this freight rule applies.

Customer Filters:

Used to restrict visibility of the freight rule based on members or group status.

Category Surcharges:

You can apply additional surcharges for specific categories, as a per-item fee, back order fee and a maximum possible surcharge.

The fees apply over and above any fees listed above. If a product belongs to more than 1 category, then the highest applicable fee will apply. 

The per unit fee is charged for all units. The back order fee is additional (on top of the per unit fee), only for the number of units that need to be imported/shipped from afar. 

A maximum cap can be applied, where for example you want to limit the total fee charged.

Supplier / Drop Shipping Charges:

The supplier / drop-shipper  fees apply over and above any fees listed above.
These aim to better approximate and recoup drop shipping costs.

Domestic/International - Sales Tax

Whether the freight rule should include domestic tax as set in the E-Commerce > Tax area.Tip: Urban / Rural shipping

To avoid customers selecting the incorrect shipping method. Set your urban only shipping options to have rural/ PO box exclusions.

Paid training or support for custom freight rules

Limited general support is available for the freight area. As the freight settings available are quite powerful and flexible you may require paid consultancy or training to get be best result for your individual freight requirements.

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